This web page is OLD HTML and runs slow. See the NOTES on these files.

Goodies from the

Customized productions created for The GateKeeper.
These low cost vids were made custom for the gatekeeper
and he decided that he would like to share them with you.

You can view individual clips or if you have a file decompressor
like WINZIP or WINRAR or Window7+ decompressors then
you can download these clips in a player format that works for you.

They are old school and not converted.
You can click on a clip and see if it will play locally.  
If they don't or your get a "file not found" then,
If it does not then just RIGHT CLICK on the clip and save it to your computer and play it locally
with whatever player works best for you.
When playing from your browser these old files may play larger or smaller that they would if you downloaded them and played them from your computer so you may want to just scroll down and download the entire set.

LEAN # 1

Select the video size and format that best suits you or grab all of them
LEAN # 2

Select the video size and format that best suits you or grab all of them
Full scene
LEAN # 3

Select the video size and format that best suits you or grab all of them
Full scene


If you are familiar with these clips you can download each set completely here.
Lean 1, 2 & 3
LeanRM . ZIP

These vids need the
Winzip file decompressor.
Correct codecs to play
Lean 1, 2 & 3
.wmv Format

These vids need the
Windows media player
Winzip file decompressor
Correct codecs to play

Lean 1, 2 & 3
LeanM4V. RAR
.m4v Format

These vids need a Media Player
that can play MP4 and M4v files,
WinRar file decompressor
Correct codecs to play