Name: Sylvie
Born: in Verviers
Resident: in Rome.
Age: 21 years.
Zodiacal sign: Libra.
Aspirations: becoming an actress.


1996: Theatrical laboratory with the Compagnia di Bagheria THE BY-PLAY.
         Cabaret show THE MAD CIRCUS writing and directed by Rosa Maria Spena.

1997: Staging of the c work. Goldoni THE INNKEEPER for the direction of Rose
        Mary Spena to the common theatre of Bagheria. In the work I have interpreted the MIRANDOLINA character.

1998: Staging of the h work. Ibsen DOLL HOUSE, in which I have interpreted the NORA character.

1998: CRISTAL theatre of Palermo, IV° theatrical review PURSE PAOLO premium.
        With the company THE BY-PLAY there being classified to the first place with a
        written text from Rosa Maria Spena for theme THE JUSTICE. The text is called:
        "How much straight denied", in which I have acted the poetry Man of my time
        of s. Quasimodo and a monologue from me written from the title ISABELLE.
        In this show I have besides collaborated to the drawing up of the
        dramatization, to the direction to the trick and to the customs.

1998: On VIDEO REPORTER, a private televisional net of Palermo have pipes a program
        from the name: Music Summer 98. Besides for of the Aziende di Palermo has sponsored the theirs product.

1999: Model for the NOTHA fashion house. Besides for the same house has presented the
        primavera/estate 99/2000 collection [svoltasi] to Piazza Politeama di Palermo.

1999: Theatrical laboratory with the THEATRE OF THE MUSE of Rome. With the rosary direction
        Cocks, the 29-30 June will be in scene with a text of and. Canetti THE COMEDY of THE VANITA' .

1999: Stage intensive theatrical of improvisation with the LIT.

Studies:       accountant diploma and expert commercial with votes ending of 80/100.
Languages: Very good French level. Scholastic English.
Interest::       Dancing, singing, play the guitar, write poetry and read psychology book.