The video BLUE FEATHER (created by Pierre-Henri Renevy) began production in 1990 on a modest budget in a semi professional set. The scenario was written by Pierre and the characters where portrayed by amateur actors and actresses that were friends of his.
   The story is a fictional political plot film that contains 5 strangling and 2 hanging sceanes.

The movie is an action murder mystersy. It was not intended as an asphyx type movie but from the popular clips that have circulated, many people thought is was.

The title "Blue Feather" was chosen because the killer leaves a blue feather on his victims after he kills them.

   Many scans and clips from the video have appeared in newsgroups and web pages all over the interenet (one of the first appearances was in Alt.Sex.Asphyx). For all it's popularity, a little know fact is that of the entire project, only 1 and a half hours of film were ever captured. It was not edited or polished.

   Of the intended sceanes,4 of the stranglings were filmed and 1 of the hangings was filmed as well as the opening and a few "money shots".

Production was halted when time and money ran out.

   Time was the critical factor in ending production. The actors were performing while working on other prodjects while B.F. was in the works and Pierre had to put up with many delays and missed shots when actors could not be available. In the end, one of the main actors had to leave the country to follow his career in another country. The time lapse caused production of B.F. to come to its' obvious conclusion.

   There are clips from the B.F. partial production floating around the Net that you can grab and compile to get the gist of the video.
The filename series are ANA, ANIA, PRIS, PRISCA, BF, VAL and ANGIE although most of these are not the true original filenames of the clips.

   Pierre has seen that there is much interest in even the partial film, scans, clips, avi's and other media that has been made available for him by a friend overseas.
   He has mentioned, on occations, that folks should not give up entirely on seeing the Blue Feather video put into some form of commercial media. He may be able to revive and edit the video into a short vid that would be acceptable to viewers.
    He asks that these avi's not be used for any type of commecial use without his permission and compensation.

As of 2005  Pierre has given up on any further production of this movie and the web page has been remove.

Pierre has sent in some clips from Blue Feather. Although some of them are part of a posted series, these clips were not distributed or posted.

And of course here is the classic first release
of the Blue Feather animated GIF.

3 second viewing time
.GIF animation file
File Size= 13,607

For those of you who are interested in seeing the rest of the production,
I have some condensed files here.

Some files use some old CODEXs so if they dont play, download the decompressor you need for that file.

"Blue Feather"

Serges Rossier
Christian Rossier
Ania Chassot
Franco Anania
Angela Gerzner
Pierre Phlilipona
Plune Bleue
Franky Dreyer
Javier Ripoles
Valerie Currat

.mp4 33M

Main Title
.MPG 51M

Angie (Samson Edition)

.AVI 30M

Frank vs Von Schenk
.AVI 64M

BF Chase
.AVI 94M

(Fabienne at Grand Place)
37412 KB

.AVI 80M

The Operation Labo
.AVI 85M


Carl's Dream
.AVI 23M

Near End
.MPB 41M