This is not a "how to" page.
We don't suggest that anyone attempt to use this apparatus.
It is only displayed here to show the types of apparatus that some folks DO use.

  Inner-Tube Harness
The TUBE HARNESS is used more for full suspension rather than gasping during air walking.   It is designed to support the full body weight, similar to a sex swing.   A noose can be added and pulled separately to get the gasping effect.
Take 3 bicycle inner tubes and group them together to make one large hoop.
Pinch the center of the hoop together to form two leg loops.
Take a short lenght of rope and knot it in the middle of the two leg loops.

You now have two rubber leg loops that can be tied up to the gallows or a hook (by the trailing length of rope).

Inner-Tube Harness  in use



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