Hi there folks.
My name is Fancy

I know that the other girls have said that they are Ret's favorites but it's all in their heads. "I" am Rets favorite choke chick. Definitely.
Are you interested in the types of apparatus gaspers use?.

Gasping and Asphyx are for lovers. Never play alone.

How to tie a soft constricting noose/ upper body support using only old cotten T-shirts.

One of the most important things to know about choking your partner,
is knowing when to stop.
After you have been choking your girl for a while, if you notice that

She is not breathing
Her heart has stopped beating

you might want to loosen your grip a little bit !!!

Click on image or rightclick to save.

This is not a "how to" page.
We don't suggest that anyone use these apparatus or indulge in any of the play that is depicted in the house.

Do you have a favorite noose or rigging and would like to have it displayed here?

If you have a photo of the apparatus, ceiling tackle,
or differant neck apparatus that you use and would like to show it to others
then take a photo and either scan it and email it or snail mail it to Ret and he will see that it gets into the house.
Be sure to add some caption or explanation of your rigging.

You can have a female subject in the photo if you think that it would bette
r help to demonstrate how the rig is used. She can be nude or not. Masked, or not.
You can also send more than one angle photo of the rig.

Send your photos or videos