Shown below are "Ret's Nooses" which are nothing more than
T-shirt cut off under the arms and stretched over time.
This is a dangerous, but effective "noose"
NEVER play alone ! ! !
Auto-erotic asphyx is a deadly game.
The only way to win, is not to play.
Ret's Noose | |
Ret's Noose is made by
taking an old T-shirt and cutting the neckline out of it. The sleeves
are left on. The shirt is repeatedly stretched over time as far as it
will go until it is about four or five feet long. It is then rolled from
the top to the bottom to make a loop. The end is placed over an OPEN ENDED
hook. While no noose is "safe", Rets' Noose is good for novice Gaspers or those at the intermediate level since it is simple and easily released. |
In all of its simplicity it may appear, at first, to be a safe rig to play with. It is a quick completely constricting rig that will rapidly close off the airway and pinch the blood vessels and arteries. We use it when attempting to quickly reach the point of passing out as the full body weight is supported by the neck. This is NOT a rig to experiment
with to see what happens. |
Ret's Harness | |
When cut open, (see Rets Noose), Ret's Noose becomes a soft rope that can be lubricated with baby powder or some other form of DRY lubricant. As with any rope, it can be tied in a variety of ways. | |
Ret's Harness is, an old T-tshirt that is cut open and stretched out. We wrap it first around the back of Misty's neck, to the front and then to the back once again. Then it is passed under the arms and around the waist and tied. We use an OPEN hook through the back straps. When lifted, most of her weight is lifted by her chest while some pressure is applied to the neck on the outer loop. The inner neckloop avoids chafing and keeps it from constricting too much around her neck. | |
Horizontal Hanging / Bed noose | |
Bed noose is attached to the headboard or looped around the poles on a
brass bed. Some type of open hook/loop is used to run the rope through.
The girl lies with her head on the pillow and the noose around her neck.
The rope is pulled with the same effect as if she was standing. A variation on this is that the noose would be tied to the headboard with the noose around her neck. Instead of pulling the rope, her feet are pulled. Not for the tickelish. |
One of the
most important items that you have to plan on is where you are going to
secure the end of your rope. The rope should be strong, clean, ,unknoted
and untwisted. We have found that the safest hook to use is the good old marine cleat. One large one works well but we prefer to use two small ones. The bottom larger one takes the strain of the rope while the top one allows the loops of the rope to spread out and keeps the rope from pulling too tighly against a single cleat, which can make it harder to get the rope unwrapped. The method requires you to have one hand on her or the rope and the other hand to untie the rope. |
Another way to stay safe is to use a quick releaseing hook. This simple hook can be placed against a nail in the wall or a cleat or just about anything that it can snag on to. In this scenario your hands are free so you can grab her around the waist and lift her up just enough to release the tension on the rope. The hook will drop free and let you lower her down. |
The "NO HANG" harness | ||
A rope
is tied tightly around the waist (or legs) for full support |
A piece of
rope is wrapped around the neck |
When lifted
it appears that she is hanging by the neck. If tied down low and the waistband is covering the rope you can not tell it is even there. Body weight will tilt her forward and put pressure on the throat but most of the weight is supported by the belly band. This will extend time for full suspension. |
The "Swing" harness | ||
Another ways is to loop the rope around the butt to the front then between the legs the legs and up the back. | ||
The "swing"
is made by looping the rope around the legs and then up the back. A fake neck loop is wrapped around the neck and rope. The pants go over the rope around the legs so nothing shows. When lifted she is really being lifted by the legs although it apprears to be a real gasping shot. There are different ways that you CAN attach the neck loop to the rope so that when she is lifted there is equal pressure on the legs, or waist, and neck. This is a good beginners' harness for real gasping as all of the weight is not being supported by her neck. Her body weight will lean her forward against the neck loop and choke her just enough to get started. It is a bitch on the legs at first so it is not often used in real gasping but more for posed shots. |