If you are trying to hang your girl and you want her to have the least amount of discomfort, but the maximum amount of pleasure (for both of you) you need to make sure that you do it correctly.
  Dropping her to the floor is NOT one of the ways to do it.

  Hoisting her up is the best way as long as you are strong enough to accomplish the task in an effective manor.
  One of the worst things you can do it start hauling her up and run out of steam.   Instead of hanging and passing out quickly she will just dangle and choke and gag.

   You could make this easier by using block and tackle but then the complexity of the rigging becomes dangerous.

   I think this was best explained by QFox in a post to one of the Groups. Read below and see the proper way to hang your partner.

A newbie wrote:
"..the bruising around my brow has gone now as have the burst blood vessels in one of eyes.."

       QFox Replied;

Please, be very careful!
   This symptom indicates your nooseplay is not done properly! The same way may burst a blood vessel in your brain..with fatal impact. If the squeeze of noose is insufficient, just blood return system, (low-pressure veins,) is obstructed. The blood input system, (high-pressure arteries), continues supplying blood to head; the blood is jamming there and the inner pressure increases dangerously.   The insufficient squeeze of noose is indicated by purple face and by eyes bulging out. If the squeeze of noose is made properly, the face stay pale and the pass out comes very swiftly.

   By my experience the tension of noose should exceed equivalent of 10 –15 kilogram to overcome tension of neck muscles – and the squeeze should be smooth, but sudden, to avoid blood jamming. The pass out comes within seconds this way (usually less than five seconds) and the first spasm of great muscles comes just second later (the spasm usually begins at thighs).

    If the noose squeezes the neck arteries, the constriction of baroreceptors (arterial pressure sensors) occurs. The feedback loop immediately decreases the pulse rate and power of heart action as response of it (the name of it is bradycardia), and this way is the blood pressure decreased even more. That's why the pass out is so rapid this way.

    If you attempt the full weight hanging (free dance in the air), the excessive squeeze of arteries and twitching induced by struggle for breath, may over stimulate or even damage the baroreceptors; it may result to sudden heart arrest. That's why even minor "drop to squeeze is extremely dangerous; much more safe is hoisting. If the breathless is too long, the premature ventricular constriction may occur. It is chaotic response of heart control system reaching the agony state, result is similar to electric shock; the chaotic heart fibrillation may occur.

   A short, but resolute squeeze of noose, even repeated, is less dangerous than slow choking of insufficiently tensed ligature. Be careful, and think twice before attempt to real play; even minor mistake may be fatal.

Cheers, QFox.
